Sandra Blumberg
A former painter who achieved fame early in her career for her portraits of celebrities, Sandra has been an art consultant to high-profile businesses and private collectors since the 1980s. She has spent a lifetime seeking artists who represent the best and most exciting of every genre from Italian masters to modern art, and several emerging artists whom she has discovered are now in leading museums around the world.
Sara Cerato
A former Wall Street executive with a career in global finance, Sara has always gravitated to art as a pathway to personal investing. Inspired by her mother who was a painter, Sara studied art history as a student at the Sorbonne in France, and she continues to collect. Among the favorite pieces she owns are works by David Hockney, Henry Moore, Edgar Payne and Spain's up-and-coming Eduardo Arranz-Bravo.
Cindy Pettinaro Wilkinson
Passionate about supporting artists and the arts, Cindy has established a gallery in Delaware dedicated to providing emerging artists the opportunity to display and sell their works. Nearly all the profits go directly to artists and various charities. Cindy is a major philanthropist, successful businesswoman and devoted mentor to collectors and artists alike.