About Susan Pullman Brooks

Seeing art everywhere — in the natural world, in the processes of life and death and in the lost and forgotten remnants of culture —Susan brings these riches to a new home within her sculpture. The perfect day is spent scavenging and searching for materials like bones, antlers, and metal from old farm equipment scattered across the rocky ravines of her upstate New York home and on her trips through India and Europe — but the powerful gift of her imagination propels a vision of how these pieces fit together to create sculpture that elevates the sum of these materials into new and beautiful objects. Inspired by Hindu and Nordic mythologies, astronomy, history and a personal spiritual narrative deeply informed by the physicality of yoga, she finds meaning in objects left behind in the woods, under the earth, on the beach…..abandoned metal implements, animal bones, and ancient wooden tools….and reconnects the spirits within them to our visual world through her art.